segunda-feira, 31 de março de 2008

designers de suceço

Está no sangue. Mas, no caso, creio que não. Estes são holandeses, o gene é da cerveja melhor, de Gent e Bruxelles. Se alguém me pagar a árvore genealógica de DNA, posso confirmar...


Through cultural commissions and public sector projects - from stamps to urban identities - Armand Mevis (1963-) and Linda Van Deursen (1961-) of MEVIS + VAN DEURSEN have played a critical role in modernising Dutch graphic design and redefining it as a dynamic medium.

Both as designers and as teachers Armand Mevis and Linda van Deursen are influential figures in the dynamic Dutch graphic design scene. After meeting as students at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam during the 1980s, they worked as interns at Total Design before opening their own studio in Amsterdam.

Operating from a small studio with just two assistants Mevis and van Deursen have combined cultural commissions from the Stedelijk Museum of Modern Art and the Netherlands Architecture Institute with projects for the fashion designers Viktor & Rolf. The catalogues they have created for artists such as Mechac Gaba, Carlos Amorales and Gabriel Orozco are projects in their own right rather than simply representations of the work.

Mevis, born in 1963, teaches at the Werkplaats Typographie in Arnhem while van Deursen, born in 1961, is head of the graphic design department at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy. They act as mentors to younger Dutch graphic designers such as Maureen Mooren and Daniel van der Velden, Jop van Bennekom and Experimental Jetset.

Designers, conheçam o casal aqui

Ah, e quem os descobriu foi a Fabi

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Conste que ela procurava por Saul Bass. Mas ao acaso, achou esses vandusens aí, que "o gene é da cerveja melhor, de Gent e Bruxelles" ...Faz sentido.